23rd - 26th May 2025,
SEC Glasgow

09 May 2022

Danni Menzies 5 tops tips to buying or moving abroad

Danni Menzies 5 tops tips to buying or moving abroad

If you're thinking about buying or moving abroad, check out Danni Menzies top tips...


 1. If you're looking at becoming a full-time resident, make sure you have plenty of time to get the paperwork done. It can typically take 3 to 6 months to make it happen.

2. Join local Facebook groups or online forums. Talk to people who have done what you're planning on doing, it's always good to get someone else's take on it!

3. Make sure you have nailed down your location! It's the most important thing - you need to love where you live.

4. Learn a few new phrases to keep the locals sweet.

5. Make sure you're prepared for a lot of visitors. Your weekends are going to be jam-packed with people coming to stay in your lovely new home.


Come and see Danni live on the Super Theatre stage at The Ideal Home Show Scotland 2022, in partnership with Royal Bank of Scotland. Click here to view the stage timetable.


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